Astronomy Education Workshops

I was a NASA Education Ambassador representing the Fermi and WISE missions.  This page will contain downloads from recent workshops and presentations I have conducted. 

MDAS workshop Tuesday Jan. 23, 2024

CCCSEF Science Fair Workshop November 1, 2023

Astronomy Teaching Facebook page sample requests

Hubble Package - includes the Hubble Law activity and a spreadsheet to do all the math. Sample data is included and a blank to use with your own classes.  Have everyone do one of the 10 pictures in the lab.  A short powerpoint showing students what they do is also included.  Then type the numbers in the spreadsheet and out pops the age of the universe.

Hubble package

Feb. 2023 MDAS meeting

Here are the links to the presentation and other documents for the meeting.


Jewel Box Cluster documents

     The picture

     The scale

     Instructions by NOAO

December 2022 Introductory Teacher Workshop

Here is where the downloads are for the introductory Teacher workshop.

I put them on a separate page. 

February 2022 MDAS meeting

Star Wheels Links will appear here for the February MDAS meeting.

To make some of these you will need glue, scissors, tape, card stock (like file folder cardboard) and the ability to print one transparency (for the Astrolabe only)

The Presentation (Keynote and PDF formats)

     Keynote version

     PDF version

The Moon Phase Diagram calculator

     Print out one of the files below and cut out “the Tool.”

     Moon Phase Diagram

     Printer-friendly moon phase diagram 

Uncle Al’s Sky Wheel (Planisphere)

     Print out, glue to card stock, and cut where the dotted lines appear. 

     You might need a stapler or tape.

     Uncle Al’s Sky Wheel (credit: Dr. Alan Gould)

The Astrolabe

     This one is complicated. Directions are included.  

     You might need a single transparency and the ability to print on it. 

     The Astrolabe  - download instructions for how to build it.

     How to use an Astrolabe - (Credit: Dominic Ford)

February 2020



Loch Ness Productions

Original cardboard planetarium web page

Stellarium (planetarium software)

Paul Bourke’s convex mirror projector theory page

Projector template

Download the powerpoint from the presentation

Build your own projector.pptx

January 2018

Pre-Telescopic Astronomy for Mt. Diablo Astronomical Society

Pre-Telescopic Astronomy presentation (pdf)


July 2016

Presentation for CAPER Astronomy educator’s workshop

Mars Orbit Lab instructions and teacher’s guide

Keynote of presentation notes

BASIC code used to create solution


o This is an archive of the Project Physics materials including the original instructions for this site:

o Catharine Colwell created a page on her site that contains instructions adapted from the original Project Physics lab, including the dates of the observation of Mars from the earth.  These instructions are adapted from her web site and are used with permission.

o This is the software used to recreate the observations in our planetarium. 

Notes from presentation:

Galileo by Brecht: To perform:

•Celestia space simulator:

Lawrence Hall of Science Planetarium Activities for Successful 


Cardboard Planetarium site:


© Jeff Adkins 2014